I'm the WORST at this. I'm the worst at.....connecting to pretty much anyone outside of Re:new besides MY peers obviously :). I guess even bums can have a lot to do during a week. But honestly, who doesn't have a busy schedule?....who doesn't have a full calender?.....who doesn't have places they have to go to?.....appointments they have to make?....who doesn't have a job to go to or do?....who doesn't have homework that has to be done?.....who doesn't have kids to raise?....or laundry that needs to be folded?....who doesn't have a spouse that needs quality time?....who doesn't have memories that need to be made?....who doesn't have to go to Wal-Mart...again?.....
Everyone's got a plate and, unless you have no pulse, it's full :). I love hearing about our leaders who are making differences in our students lives outside the church walls not because they're extending themselves but because they're doing it while living they're crazy, hectic lives. There's a beauty in having your hands full with life and still grabbing another life and influencing it! I think I'm holding on to some things I need to let go of if I can't say hey on a Fri. when I do it every Wed. Let's see if I'll change this habit of mine--I got a mean death grip :)